Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 14

Ok, so we haven't posted in awhile, but here we go...

Today was the day. That's right. The day that we have all been waiting for...especially Ralphie! You guessed it! THE SPIT RUN!! Deb had the creative idea of taking the dogs :) She and Alexis walked/jogged it with a time of about one hour and 40 minutes. Ralphie, on the other hand, had an astounding time of around 50 minutes! Great Job Ralphie! The race started at the High School parking lot, and went to the end of the spit, it was a 10k!!! Alexis, speaking from experience, thinks that going with hardly any prior training is not a very good idea.. :) Zoe, unfortunately was not able to run it, because of her bum knee.. she tore her ACL in case you didn't already know. She has run it before though, so she knows all about it :) Zoe, Grandma, Ralphie, and Pa-pa (emphasis on the last pa) were all waiting very patiently at the finish line for Alexis and Deb.

After the tiring spit run, we decided that for dinner we were going to have a firepit and cook burgers and hotdogs over it. The food was delicious!!

Unfortunately, we did not get any pictures, seeing as we were having too much fun to remember :) We did, however, decide that we need to put pictures up! So, here are some random pictures that we have taken throughout our trip... Enjoy!


Here is a picture we took on the roof of an outhouse. Near the outhouse people were filleting fish and the birds were feeding on the scraps. There were tons of them!

We saw this eagle just off the side of the road on our tour with Bailey. The darn eagle wouldn't look at us... I guess he was just camera shy.

Alexis took this shot while we were driving.

Here is a cute picture of some swans that we saw out on Beluga Lake.

In this picture you can see their two babies in the middle :) How cute!

This is also a shot we took on Beluga Lake. These are planes that take people out to go bear watching.

Jess, Deb and Ralphie's kitty cat, decided he wanted a turn on the ATV.

This is a picture of an inch worm that attached itself to Zoe's sweatshirt. There are all sorts of animals here and they are everywhere!!

Here is a shot in Deb's shop. Papa is ooooing and ahhhhing at Deb's masterpiece! Her Show opens on July 3rd at Ptarmigan Arts! Her pieces are amazing!

We just could not walk past this sign without getting this picture. Here, we were in Halibut Cove walking around the boardwalk and this was the sign leading up to the outhouses!

This picture is definitely random... but sweet none-the-less.

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