Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 12

Today we drove to Seward for a couple of days. When we got there, went to the Sea Life Center first. There was a place in the center that had lots of different types of birds in it, and from downstairs, you could see them dive into the water. There was also a sea lion, he was HUGE!! Unfortunately, he didn't stay out for us to watch him for too long... We also saw some seals swimming laps around the pool. As soon as we got downstairs, right in front of us was a body of a giant squid in a tank. We got a picture of Zoe laying down next to it, it was as big as her!! Then Zoe got some sweet pictures of two fishes, and an underwater picture that came out really good!!

After we went to the Sea Life Center, we ate dinner at Ray's (which was really good), and then we took a hike to Exit Glacier. It wasn't too long, just a couple of miles. When we got to the glacier, Deb and Ralph searched for wildlife. Ralph found two bear and a mountain goat! But they were too far up on the mountain for us to get a picture of. The Glacier was extremely large, and there were signs on the side of the road telling us where it used to be over the last 200 years. Glaciers are constantly moving forward, but it has melted a great distance over the years. We saw moose nuggets on the way up, along with some trees that they had pulled off the bark and branches to munch on. There is also a picture that shows the scratches on the rocks from the glacier moving across them. Ralphie was about to dive into one of the pools of water, but we are glad he didn't. He did not have his helmet with him, and those puddles are not that deep!

We saw this sign on our drive back from the Glacier! :)

After Exit Glacier we went back to the campsite where we left the camper. We decided that it was definitely way too cold to sleep in a tent, and it wouldn't be so comfortable sleeping on the gravel. So, we decided to sleep on the couches in the camper. Here is a picture of us around the campfire we started. While we were out there we saw a family of about six sea lions pass by the shore.


  1. Ooh, more pictures and writings. I can never wait until the next one. I am so entralled with the scenery in the background. These are great pictures. Now that Boni told me how to enlarge them - with a click of the mouse-the pictures are more unbelievable. A round of applause to Deb & Ralph for all they are showing and doing for the girls. It may be "old hat" to them, but a great and terrific experience for "the girls". One they will never forget. I for one, "Thank You". Also for Zoe who is doing a great & terrifc job in the blog. I for one "Thank You". Lest we forget Alexis who is always enjoying the moment, & for the tele calls. I for one "Thank you". I so look forward to the next day - whatever it may be. Enough for now. More comments to come... Like it or not........

  2. "Cheap Beer and Lousy Food"

    I hope you stopped. Perhaps this was Alexis' opportunity to buy dinner ...
