Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 6

Dia numero seis. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEB!!! Today we got to sleep in and relax until lunch time when we had a birthday lunch for deb. While Deb was out working on her art pieces, we prepared everything and got it all ready to set up for a big surprise. She got home and didn't suspect anything. We sent her over to Grandma and Papa's making up an excuse that they needed to talk to her. While they distracted her (good job guys) we set up balloons, presents, and party hats. The dogs even got to wear some :) We stuck candles in the bananas that were on the fruit plate and had her blow them out :) Since she can't have have cake, we thought bananas were the next best thing!

After the birthday lunch, we went swimming and then we went to the "Facing The Elements" showing. Our piece was called "We got Balls" :) I think I might have already said that but it is still funny! After we got back from our little walk to see all of the art pieces (Some were really cool, but I think ours topped them off) we went back to the house. We walked back from the museum, so we came in the back way of the house, Ralph showed us a tree where a bear had scratched it, it was pretty cool!! (check out the picture) When we got to the house, Deb and Ralph had a birthday party for a friend to go to so we had an amazing dinner of Grandma's chicken noodle soup, cibata bread and juice (not all mixed together). When we were done we went out and played some hillbilly golf.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Deb!! Looked like a good time was had by all. Can't beat fun, and with "the girls" it all happens. Great experience for all. Love, Grandma Krueger
