Sunday, June 14, 2009

Into Homer

So, after we met up at the airport, and spent a long while waiting in the airport, it was time to board.. So, once we got to our seats, there were already people in it! So we decided to sit in the next row back hoping that they had just gotten mixed up. After about five minutes, we stood up to let a lady in to get to the window seat, and she looked surprised to see that we were in her seat. We explained the whole mess to her, and she took it good-naturedly. She explained to us that her husband was boarding the plane shortly. We said loudly- to get the seat-stealers' attention- that those were our seats, but we said it to the lady sitting next to us. As it turns out, our boarding passes had the exact same seats as them. The helpful flight attendants told us that because something with the unaccompanied minor got screwed up, we were to go to seat nine A and B in the front.. too bad that we didn't get bumped up to first class ;)

Alexis is scared!! not really, she didn't know I was taking a picture :)

We flew into Kenai on a little plane, it was so much fun!! Looking out the window, we were just high enough to be able to see the 'bird's eye view' of everything, but still be able to see every tree and even some people. Unfortunately, the ride was only about 25 minutes.. Well, all good things come to an end, but this was the beginning of the end.. yay!

Whilst driving from Kenai to Homer we saw 17 moose (meese? mooses?) and some of them had babies :D unfortunately Ralph was the only one who was wholly concentrated on seeing moose.. well, the drive was about an hour and a half, and we stopped at a shoulder and took a picture, the picture of both me and Zoe, which should be the next one, in the background you can barely see the lights of the Homer spit. Which is about where I am now, give or take. hint: look over Alexis' left shoulder.

Ralphie stayed in the car being safe with his seatbelt on. Smile, Ralphie :) We made it into homer at about 12:30am. Yay!!


  1. Well I now became a follower. I have an account and can now post a comment. Amazing what this grandma can do with a computer. I hope it works. You will have to let me know. I so enjoyed the blog and all I can say is that "you done good" It sure was some trip. Now "let the fun and games begin". Keep up the good work, as I will anxiously look forward to more of the going's on. Be sure to let me know if this has come thru. Thanks again..... Love, Grandma

  2. Yeah it came through, and everything's good.. now you can comment whenever you want! thank you for following!
